Having Fun with AI

Having Fun with AI

Oct 07, 2023

Coffee Limericks

Having a bit of fun with A.I.!

Limerick 1:

In the morning, I’m feeling quite dozy,
Till I brew up a cup of joe cosy,
With each sip, I’m revived,
And my dreams are deprived,
Coffee’s magic, it makes me less drowsy!

Limerick 2:
There once was a barista named Clyde,
Whose latte art skills could not hide.
With a flick of his wrist,
He’d create coffee bliss,
In each cup, a masterpiece inside!

Limerick 3:
A coffee bean said with a sigh,
“I’m destined to be a great guy,
I’ll get roasted and ground,
In a café renowned,
And be sipped with a gleam in the eye!”Cappuccino – Origins & Evolution